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European Union SWITCH-ASIA II Programme
Resource Efficiency in Agri-food Production and Processing (REAP) project

Resource Efficiency in Agri-food Production and Processing (REAP)

Contract № ACA/2019/412-122

Countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
Duration: 2020-2024

The Objectives

The action seeks to improve sustainability in the agri-food production and processing industries in two ways:

  • Targeting fast, cost-efficient SCP measures, showcasing the business case of such measures and creating a win-win mind-set in MSMEs;
  • Building MSMEs capacity to deal innovatively with challenges in natural resource shortages and creating ecosystems for SCP and supply-chain integration.


  • MSMEs in the agri-food production and processing industries
  • Local business consultants
  • National and international financing institutions
  • Ministries, executive agencies and local authorities
  • Industry clusters & associations for agri-food production and processing

Focus of the action:
Promote SCP practices in the agri-food production and processing industries along the entire supply chain, while creating an enabling environment through clusters and by building on current national development strategies, integrating SCP incentives. The SCP practices will focus on resource-efficiency in agri-food production and processing and apply approaches for dealing with resource shortfalls. This will cover increasing the efficiency of water usage, reduction of food-losses and decreasing other energy and resource inefficiency. The process of clusterization will seek to enhance the competitiveness of local businesses.

SDGs related to your action:  

  • SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy: Improve energy efficiency & foster renewable energy usage in industries.
  • SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth: Promote safe and secure working environments to create decent work for all.
  • SDG 9 – Industry, innovation & infrastructure: Sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
  • SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  • SDG 13 – Climate action: Improve access to finance and strengthened capacities of financial institutions and policy makers for climate smart mechanisms and frameworks.
  • SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Expected Results:

  • Introduction and improvement of SCP measures and technologies in 400 MSMEs in agri-food production and processing;
  • Increased efficiency by 20% on energy, 10% resources (including water) and 15% waste generation within participating companies;
  • 10% of participating companies supported in applying for funding for bankable projects;
  • Capacity building of 40 local experts on SCP practices for replication;
  • Capacity building of 20 consultants and experts from financial institutions on suitable financial instruments for SCP solutions;
  • Capacity building of 20 national or regional policy makers, advisors and government bodies and institutions on SCP policy mechanisms;
  • Improved clusterization and ecosystem development for SCP involving all stakeholders.
The project is being implemented in equal partnership with international and regional organizations:

Региональный экологический центр Центральной Азии

namsbНациональная Ассоциация Малого и Среднего Бизнеса Республики Таджикистан

Торгово-промышленной палаты Узбекистана


adelphi Research gGmbH, Germany


Austria Recycling,


STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society


Институт энергетики и исследований, Индия

European Union
The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 60 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.

To this end the EU is active in Tajikistan since 1992 and provides approximately EUR 35 million annually in development assistance.
Rapid economic growth in Asia and Central Asia has lifted many countries out of poverty. This has come at a cost of increased use of natural resources, growing GHG emissions and amounts of waste. Sustainability today is no longer simply about increasing efficiencies or complying with regulations. It is about making fundamental changes in the way business is done and the way the world consumes. Results can only be achieved rethinking our business models and supply chains and designing new consumption patterns.

Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) aims at improving the overall environmental performance of products throughout their life cycle, stimulates demand for better products and production technologies and helps consumers make informed choices. The European Union is committed to tackle these global challenges together with its partners in Asia and Central Asia. Launched in 2007, its SWITCH-Asia programme has achieved more than a decade of progress on SCP in 24 countries in the region.

2025 © National Association of Small and Medium Business of the Republic of Tajikistan