The Agreement on Cooperation between the Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) and the National Association of Small and Medium Business of Tajikistan (NASMB) was signed in the end of September 2017, in Jelgava, Latvia, within the framework of the visit of Tajik delegation of entrepreneurs and teachers of national universities (as KPITTU named after Academician M.Osimi and TAU named after S.Shotemur.
This Agreement, signed by the rector of LLU, Professor Irina Pilvere and Matluba Uljabaeva, Chairperson of NASMB, considers the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of education, scientific research and knowledge transfer to enhance cooperation between the two countries based on mutual interest.
Based on this Agreement, parties agreed on cooperation in the field of agrarian and food business education, scientific research and knowledge transfer in conformity with the international obligations of each Parties based on Charters: organization of joint study visits, research, knowledge transfer activities through scientific and practical conferences, seminars, summer schools, B2B meetings. Cooperation is also focuses in dissemination of information about new technological products, innovations, promotion of business contacts between entrepreneurs of both countries in above-mentioned areas.