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The program of the European Union ERASMUS +
Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards (HECAFS)

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Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies is one of the largest higher education institution in Latvia. It offers wide opportunities for studies in more than 60 accredited study programmes in 14 unique fields where half of them can be studied only at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies:
  • agriculture,
  • forestry science,
  • veterinary medicine,
  • food technology,
  • landscaping,
  • food hygiene.

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies offers studies also in universal study areas such as:

  • information technologies,
  • economics and social sciences,
  • agricultural engineering,
  • construction,
  • pedagogy.

Opportunities for students in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

Worldwide recognised diploma – diploma supplement acknowledged by the European Commission. Graduates continue studies or work all over the world.
Advanced facilities – modern laboratory equipment, comfortable dormitories, studies in an outstanding architectural monument – the Jelgava Palace.
Reasonable costs – low living expenses, tuition fees (living costs: 250-350 Eur/month; tuition fees from 2000 Eur/year).
Advantageous geographical location – major European cities can be conveniently reached by bus, airplane or ferry.
Green and safe environment – a great way to experience Latvian culture. Despite variety of many different national and international events, Jelgava is a very safe city for everyone.
Student life – well-balanced studies and cultural life, a wide variety of sports activities for free.

More information:

– is a young, expanding institution with great potential for development. Today, it is working resolutely to develop its research, guaranteeing the quality of its operational activities and extending the scope of its international networking.

The Institute grew out of the Khujand Branch of Tajik Technical University (founded in 1980) and Khujand Branch of Technological University of Tajikistan (founded in 1992). These two institutions came together to form the Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University (KPITTU) in 2010.

KPITTU is a public research institute located in Khujand, which is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia, dating back about 2,500 years. It is situated on the Syr Darya at the mouth of the Fergana Valley and was a major city along the ancient Silk Road.

The Institute offers 19 Bachelor’s, 17 Master’s and 9 PhD programs through its four faculties and research is conducted in 13 different areas. Available fields of study/research:


Agricultural sciences


Accountancy, Financial Management




Industrial Relations


Food Science and Technology


Marketing and Sales Management




Computer Science


Animal Husbandry


Information systems


Architecture, urban and regional planning


Software engineering




Computer network


Urban Planning


Information Resource Management


Regional Planning


Engineering, technology


Transport and Traffic Studies


Mechanical Engineering


Art and Design


Electrical Engineering




Civil Engineering




Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications


Business studies and management sciences


Social Sciences


Business Studies with languages




Business Studies with technology


International Relations

KPITTU has 347 staff, including 205 teaching and research staff, of which, over 29 are from Enterprises. There are 3,799 students in total, including 3,511 Bachelor’s, 217 Master’s, 71PhD students. The institute has over 12,418 graduates worldwide.

In 2000, the International Relations and Project Management Office (IRPMO) has been established at the university, with the aim of developing project management, international mobility and internship programs. The Office is responsible for the Institute’s overall international strategy. KPITTU takes part in several recognized international programmes such as Erasmus+, GIZ, DAAD, EducationUSA, CampusFrance, ISEP, IAAS and currently in the process of joining the Magna Charta Universitatum. In recent years, we have been working on projects in the field of higher education, including capacity building and research projects.

Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University has signed 214 bilateral agreements with Higher Education Institutions in the Europe, USA, China, Former Soviet Republics, Turkey and Central Asia.


– is the only higher educational institution in the Republic of Tajikistan and the leader in the Central Asian region, which prepares and produces highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex. The history of the first university of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Tajik Agrarian University, is rich and diverse.

At present, the Tajik Agrarian University is the center of science in the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of agro-industrial complex, whose history is closely connected with the development of the country’s agriculture. From here the university got recognition not only in the CIS, but also beyond its borders.

More than 30 university graduates elected academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, All Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin, 12 heroes of labor, 300 candidate of science and etc. Hundreds of graduates was awarded the State Prize of the USSR and Tajikistan. Now, the university studied 7851 students. During its existence, the Institute has trained more 45 thousand highly qualified specialists.

Currently, the University has 9 faculties: agronomical, agrobusiness, zoological, veterinary, economic, fruit and vegetable growing and agricultural biotechnology, agricultural mechanization, irrigation and drainage, accounting and finance, where specialists are trained in 38 specialties. The number of departments is 53, where more than 500 teachers work fruitfully, including 2 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 7 corresponding members, 51 doctors and 62 professors, 140 candidates of science, associate professors.

The training of highly qualified specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the republic is the paramount task of the university teaching staff.

The university has 2 educational and production facilities – in the Yavansky and Gissar districts, the Biotechnology Research Institute with branches in the Tavildara and Shahristan districts.

The university prepares specialists in the main areas: the technology of processing agricultural products and its mechanization, marketing, storage and processing of livestock products, agricultural development, automation and electrification of agricultural production, veterinary sanitation, agroecology, beekeeping, geodesy, finance and credit in agribusiness, AIC, the organization of dehkan farms and other areas of the agro-industrial complex.

In recent years, a number of important events have been carried out to improve the governance structure and the educational process. The educational structure of the university has changed radically. The educational part has created two departments: educational-methodical and analytical. This structure allows you to follow clearly and clearly over office work in the educational process, monitor the progress of passing current exams with computers, and in necessary situations use an operational database.

The university management pays much attention to the research work of the university and their effective application in life. Topics of research work are devoted to important pressing issues in the agro-industrial complex.

The Council of Young Scientists, scientific circles are active in every faculty. Scientific and production conferences and symposia are held according to plans.

The University makes a valuable contribution to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, attracts young specialists to continue their education in graduate school. To this end, the University organized a “School of Professors”.

Two dissertational councils in 4 specialties are opened in the university, in defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

It should be noted that the University pays special attention to attracting foreign specialists to study. In recent years, our university has close ties with 83 universities, from 20 foreign countries.

Web-site of University:

– is a nongovernmental, nonprofit membership organization, which unites small and medium sized companies as well as business support organizations and other business related organizations, promotes their interests and protects their rights via provision of different valuable services. NASMB was established in 1993 and has been in re-registered on 04 March 2008 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan.

NASMB is conducting its activities on protection the rights of entrepreneurs, lobbying their interests, assisting in professional development, dissemination of information necessary for the development of enterprises, providing consultations, as well as reducing administrative barriers for improving business environment.

Partners of the Association are various state, non-governmental, scientific, international organizations interested in developing entrepreneurship in Tajikistan, creating an attractive investment climate for the country, reducing administrative barriers, and improving regulatory acts regulating business activities.

The Association works with the real sectors of the economy, in particular through a number of multi-year projects:
  • “Economic development in Central Asia through promotion of Business Intermediary Organizations and SMEs in the processing sector”
  • “Craftsmanship and business through regional integration and the fair trade market”
  • “Development of the vegetable and fruit processing sector in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan” in cooperation with the non-governmental organization British Expertise (Great Britain), which is aimed at the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) involved in the processing of food products (vegetables and fruits) in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, as well as to strengthen the capacity of organizations providing consulting services to these enterprises to strengthen their positions in national, regional and international markets.
Representatives of small and medium businesses, consulting companies, universities were trained, as well as representatives of government agencies involved in food processing and food safety control. Three trained specialists successfully passed the international exam and received the International Certificate of the trainer “Food safety and management of the quality system ISO 22000: 2005”.In addition, the training manuals on the food safety management system based on the principles of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) and the analysis of market opportunities for fruit and vegetable processors have been prepared.

Currently NASMB RT realizes projects:
  • CANDY-IV – Advanced Support Programme to Central Asian BIOs – Specialized and Integrated Services for Export-Oriented Food Processing SMEs.
  • HECAFS – Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards.
  • NICE-TAK – Networking Intermediaries & Competitive Enterprises in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

For more information is at

KSTU was established in 1954 with the status of organization of higher education. At the moment more than 19,000 students study at KSTU. KSTU is the largest educational and scientific center in Kyrgyzstan in training and retraining of specialists – this provides research in 77 technical, engineering and economic specialties. KSTU owns innovative technologies and implements the most modern educational programs. At present there are 8 faculties in the KSTU (Engineering and Economics Department, Energy Department, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Environmental and Economic Faculty, Mining and Metallurgical Faculty, Geological and Exploration Department), one of which is the Technological Faculty. The Faculty of Technology was initially represented in the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology at the Department of Food Products, which trained engineers in the following specialties: Technology of Meat and Meat Products, Technology of Milk and Dairy Products, and Technology of Preservation.

On the basis of KSTU named after I.Razzakov under the project of the World Bank “Agribusiness and Marketing” , the only one in Central Asia, the Food Training Technology Center «Technologist» (FTTC) is created. This center is one of the most modern educational institutions in the system of professional education. Within the framework of the project , 4 production workshops have been set up: meat processing, milk processing, bakery and confectionery production, a fruit and vegetable processing workshop equipped with modern equipment (Italy, Spain, Russia). There are laboratories: chemical, microbiological, sensory, training halls, library.

The Faculty of Technology today is: – over 1,300 students, including students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; 10 – chairs, 2 research institutes. In accordance with the Regulation on the organization of the educational process on the basis of credit technology training, which is adopted by the Academic Council of KSTU by the order of the rector from 12.06.12. the department has passed to preparation of bachelors and masters in the corresponding directions, issued at the department.

The department carries out preparation of bachelors for the food processing industry and for the organization, standardization bodies and companies engaged in the import of food products in the following directions:
740100 – Technology and production of food products from plant raw materials
Profile: – Technology of canned food and food concentrates;
            – Technology of fermentation and wine making
700600 – Standardization, certification and metrology
Profile: – Standardization and certification of food products
580300 – Commerce
Profile: – Commodity research and examination of goods.

And also masters in the following areas:
1. 740100 – Technology and production of food products from plant raw materials
Program: – Technology of canned food and food concentrates

2. 700600 – Standardization, certification and metrology
Program: – Standardization and certification of food products.

Teaching staff on the staff schedule is 9.75. 13 teachers work, including:
4 – Candidates of Science,
2 – professors, 4 – associate professor,
4 – senior teachers,
3 – teacher,
6 – Excellence in education of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The percentage of persons with a scientific degree is 38.4%.

For more information is at

Founded in 1953, Kyrgyz Economic University is nowadays one of the most important and prestigious HEIs in Kyrgyzstan.

Today, the KEU is a dynamic, modern and internationally oriented university.

The university mission is to implement a multilevel system of education and training high skilled personnel, who adapted into the competitive market via providing quality educational programs based on imitativeness, creativeness, professionalism and international cooperation of academic staff

Since 2004 KEU entered into a rapid development stage and expanded its activities into the other fields of social and business sciences. During this period, new study programs (5 BA and 5 MA) have been developed and accredited.

Currently educational programmes at KEU cover the major areas of Social Sciences :

  • Business and Management,
  • Economics,
  • Tourism and Commerce,
  • Service (hotel and restaurant),
  • as well as Information Technologies.

In addition to this KEU offers 2 BA study programs in English.

Since 2016 by the decision of the Academic Council in the structure of the University was established a new division- Institute of Commerce, Merchandising and Restaurant Business.

The Institute is a new training and methodological division that prepares specialists for the quality assurance system.

The department of “Commodity and expertise of goods and technology” at the Institute prepare specialists for the system of quality assurance, standardization, certification, consumer goods, quality management in the sphere of commodity circulation, restaurant business and services.

KEU works in partnership with business industry private and the public sector.

Web –site: 

– is non-governmental, non-profit organization registered since 2003 in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Association has 52 regularly paying annual membership dues members from fruit and vegetable sector, dairy and meat processing sector, flour milling sector, and food industry equipment supply sector.

The main activities of the Association are:
  1. Promotion of the Association members’ interests (lobby): Interaction with the government agencies and businesses on preparation and introduction of legislative acts designed to improve business environment for the development of agricultural products processing enterprises;
  2. Strategic development of the fruit and vegetable processing industry: Regular update of the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry Development Strategy, and coordination of interaction between businesses and government agencies;
  3. Institutional development of the Organization: Attraction of new members, promotion and marketing the fruit and vegetable enterprises’ products under the single “Taste of the Sun” brand name at various exhibitions inside and outside Kyrgyzstan; promotion of knowledge of technical regulations and standards for manufacturing, sales and export of the products; implementation of quality standards in the food industry;
  4. Development of the Association members: Support the improvement of performance of enterprises; address the issues with raw product base; development of production technologies. Development and use of the models of joint execution of large orders for production and supply. Monitoring of the trading companies’ and sales agents’ activities for promotion and marketing the fruit and vegetable products in the local market.
  5. Conducting research on / for the development of agriculture and processing industry in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas) is the biggest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Lithuania, continuing the best traditions of Kaunas Medical University and Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. University offers 24 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and provides a wide platform for research and training in the field of biomedical sciences and participates in a number of projects.

Today LSMU provided studies in fields of:
  • Medicine;
  • Dentistry;
  • Veterinary Medicine;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Nursing;
  • Publich Health;
  • Food science, safety and quality;
  • Animal Sciences.
More than 10% of students are international students at the University coming from 52 different countries. The most popular study programmes for international students are Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy.

Since its establishment in 1922, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has been Alma Mater of more than 46,000 alumni, including over 800 international graduates from 45 countries. Most international graduates are from Lebanon and Israel.

Reasons to choose Lithuania and LSMU:
  • Convenient location and beautiful landscape;
  • Safe country;
  • Part of European Union, member of NATO;
  • Deeply rooted traditions and authenticity;
  • Modern style of life;
  • Multicultural LSMU study environment and study community;
  • Widely recognised diplomas;
  • Student orientated learning process, integrity of teaching, research and clinical activity;
  • Support system for students: mentoring, tutoring, cancelling;
  • Access to exchange programmes like Erasmus+, etc.

Hugo Kołłątaj University of Agriculture in Krakow is a leading institution in the field of natural sciences in Poland. The university derives from the Jagiellonian University, where agricultural and forestry studies have been taught since 1890. Currently, the University of Agriculture comprises 7 faculties (Faculty Of Agriculture And Economics, Faculty Of Forestry, Faculty Of Animal Sciences, Faculty Of Environmental Engineering And Surveying, Faculty Of Biotechnology And Horticulture, Faculty Of Production And Power Engineering, Faculty Of Food Technology), and 1 inter-university unit (University Centre Of Veterinary Medicine UJ-UR). Our offer includes several dozen courses of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies. Modern infrastructure, i.e. 3 campuses, 11 didactic units, 29 experimental stations (540 ha), Forest Experimental Station in Krynica-Zdrój (6400 ha) guarantee comfortable didactic conditions for students, as well as the possibility of professional development for employees. University educates specialists in the fields of agriculture, forestry, biology, veterinary science, economics, natural science and technology. The University of Agriculture is the place where research is conducted in a lot of strategic and innovative areas focusing around the sector of Life Science. Quality, mobility and innovative solutions are our key issues. Such activities enable our graduates to find jobs in the best companies operating in Poland and other countries. This makes the University held In high regard, both in our country, as well as abroad.

Hilfswerk Austria International is an international NGO currently working in 16 countries of the world. HWA has worldwide experience in technical and institutional capacity development and in supporting micro- and small businesses to generate inclusive growth. HWA is registered in Tajikistan as affiliation of Austrian NGO – Public Organization, non-profit and non-government. In the last 10 years HWA Tajikistan implemented 5 regional programmes in development of agriculture and food processing sectors. HWA has specific experience in marketing, lobbying, as well as introduction and implementation of standards. The organization has a successful record in working with communities, state agencies, ministries, and business intermediary organizations in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

HWA has a well-established team of experts both at the field and headquarters level in Austria that is currently managing an annual project amount of app. 12 million USD. The regional and international team, responsible for the Central Asia region has proved expertise in agro production, food processing, marketing, food safety, conflict prevention, international project management, as well as partner relationship management.

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Европейский Союз
Европейский Союз включает в себя 28 государств-членов, объединивших передовые достижения, ресурсы и судьбы своих народов. На протяжении 60 лет совместными усилиями им удалось создать зону стабильности, демократии и устойчивого развития, сохранив при этом культурное многообразие, личные свободы и атмосферу терпимости.
Европейский Союз неуклонно стремится передавать и приобщать к своим достижениям и ценностям страны и народы, находящиеся за его пределами.
Европейская Комиссия (ЕК) является исполнительным органом Европейского Союза.
Европейская Комиссия сотрудничает с пятью странами Центральной Азии: Казахстаном, Кыргызстаном, Таджикистаном, Туркменистаном и Узбекистаном, как на двустороннем, так и на региональном уровне.
ERASMUS+ является программой Европейского Союза в области образования, подготовки кадров, молодежи и спорта на период 2014 – 2020 гг.
ERASMUS+ стремится стать более эффективным инструментом для решения реальных потребностей, с точки зрения развития человеческого и социального капитала в Европе и за ее пределами.
Программа ERASMUS+ в Таджикистане:
Адрес: ул. Рудаки 44, 4 этаж, Душанбе.
Тел: +992 37 221 74 07
web site:
Программа ERASMUS+ в Кыргызстане:
Адрес: ул.Раззакова 19, БЦ “Россия”, каб. 305.
Тел: +992 37 221 74 07

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