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The program of the European Union ERASMUS +
Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards (HECAFS)

Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards

The Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies in cooperation with partners (a consortium of ten organizations) is implementing the project “Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan”. The project is financed by the European Union Program (EU) ERASMUS + , main line 2  “Enhancing the potential of higher education”.

The overall project objective  is supporting the modernization of the higher education system for the implementation of international food production and processing systems and standards in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, thus enhancing the export potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The project team is focused at bringing the higher education system to the needs of the production and processing industry in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Along with other components / activities, the project contributes to strengthening the links between higher education institutions and food processing enterprises.  The project aims to enhance and promote close cooperation between higher education institutions in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and the EU countries.

The project was set up at the initiative of Tajik and Kyrgyz SMEs – producers and processors of food products.  It contributes to the attainment of the following goals: Higher education in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic will be modernized through the development and implementation of training modules in 4 universities (2 in Tajikistan and 2 in Kyrgyzstan);

  • The content of higher education will be consistent with the needs of the production and processing industries
  • Increasing the capacity of higher education institutions by increasing the professionalism of teachers and developing the educational infrastructure;
  • Establishment of links between institutions of higher education and processing enterprises in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Establishment of links between institutions of higher education in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the EU countries.

Within the framework of the project, the consortium will develop and implement training modules on standards and systems for ensuring food safety at the level of producers / farmers (Global GAP – good agricultural practice) and processors (HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point). In the long term, the project will allow regional food processing SMEs to meet the requirements of external markets to ensure food safety and to enhance competitiveness.

Европейский Союз
Европейский Союз включает в себя 28 государств-членов, объединивших передовые достижения, ресурсы и судьбы своих народов. На протяжении 60 лет совместными усилиями им удалось создать зону стабильности, демократии и устойчивого развития, сохранив при этом культурное многообразие, личные свободы и атмосферу терпимости.
Европейский Союз неуклонно стремится передавать и приобщать к своим достижениям и ценностям страны и народы, находящиеся за его пределами.
Европейская Комиссия (ЕК) является исполнительным органом Европейского Союза.
Европейская Комиссия сотрудничает с пятью странами Центральной Азии: Казахстаном, Кыргызстаном, Таджикистаном, Туркменистаном и Узбекистаном, как на двустороннем, так и на региональном уровне.
ERASMUS+ является программой Европейского Союза в области образования, подготовки кадров, молодежи и спорта на период 2014 – 2020 гг.
ERASMUS+ стремится стать более эффективным инструментом для решения реальных потребностей, с точки зрения развития человеческого и социального капитала в Европе и за ее пределами.
Программа ERASMUS+ в Таджикистане:
Адрес: ул. Рудаки 44, 4 этаж, Душанбе.
Тел: +992 37 221 74 07
web site:
Программа ERASMUS+ в Кыргызстане:
Адрес: ул.Раззакова 19, БЦ “Россия”, каб. 305.
Тел: +992 37 221 74 07

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